Experienced Handyman

Skilled Electrician

Since 2010

Audio Video Specialist

Over 10 Years

teal LED panel
teal LED panel
PC Repair Expert

Since 2005

I have been providing professional handyman, audio video technician, electrician, PC repair, internet and cybersecurity services since 2010. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, I have developed a strong skill set and a deep understanding of various technical issues. I am dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Cybersecurity Specialist
Home Repair
woman using smartphone
woman using smartphone

Residential Projects

I have completed numerous residential projects. My expertise in handling various tasks allows me to deliver exceptional results and meet the unique requirements of each project. Customer satisfaction is always my top priority.

black and gray laptop computer turned on
black and gray laptop computer turned on
Commercial Installations

I have extensive experience in handling commercial installations, such as audio video setups, lighting systems, and electrical wiring. I understand the importance of efficiency and reliability in commercial settings, and I strive to provide top-notch solutions that meet the specific needs of businesses.

teal LED panel
teal LED panel
PC Repair Services

I offer comprehensive PC repair services, including hardware troubleshooting, software installation, and virus removal. Whether it's a slow computer, a malfunctioning software, or a hardware issue, I can diagnose and fix the problem efficiently, ensuring smooth and reliable performance.

person holding black smartphone besides white cup
person holding black smartphone besides white cup
Internet Setup

I specialize in internet setup and troubleshooting, helping clients in setting up their home or office network, resolving connectivity issues, and optimizing internet speed. With my expertise, I ensure a stable and secure internet connection for seamless online activities.